Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Once again, Richard Silverstein proven to be an idiot

As a prophet, Dicky has always come up a loser. However, as an idiot, Dicky Siverstein has always hung with the best. Here's his latest Dreck:

Chris Berel says:
May 13, 2011 at 8:57 PM
To my understanding, Israel will not sign a treaty giving the Palestinians an opportunity to return to Israel, nor to allow any Palestinian control over any Jewish holy site, which would include the vast majority of Jerusalem.
When the Palestinians last controlled Jerusalem (1948-1967) they denied access to the Jews. You don’t get a second chance to screw Israelis.

Richard Silverstein says:
May 14, 2011 at 12:18 AM
To my understanding
Now that was yr first mistake: admitting a subject was limited to yr understanding of it. Since your understanding is minimal what is there left to talk about?
You don’t get a second chance to screw Israelis.
I’m sorely tempted not to give you a 2nd chance to mouth yr ianities & stupidities. But keep spewing & I’ll get sick enough of you that I’ll pull the chain.

Netanyahu shoves it up Dicky's butt:
In a speech before the Knesset’s plenum in its special Herzl Day session, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu laid down five conditions for a peace treaty with the Palestinian Authority Arabs. These are: The Palestinians must recognize Israel as the Jewish nation’s state. The treaty must be an end to the conflict. The Arab refugee problem must be solved outside of Israel’s borders. A Palestinian state will have to be demilitarized and a peace treaty must safeguard Israel’s security. The settlement blocs will remain within the state of Israel and Jerusalem will remain its united capital.

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