Saturday, September 3, 2011
Is domestic extremist Dickie Silverstein directing Hamas operations?
How does Dickie Silverstein know how many weapons Hamas needs? If Dickie is doing the planning for Hamas, then he might know exactly what Hamas needs.
It's almost as if Dickie wants to get caught!!!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Dickie praises #1 Human Rights violater, China, for support of #2 Human Rights Violater, Palestinian Authority.
These actions are what brings to light the nazi-tactics of the uber-left. Domestic extremist Dickie Silverstein likely doesn't care how many Jews are murdered to further his love affair with Hamas and Hezbollah.
Here are Dickie's own words, "When the world’s second most powerful country lines up behind you surely the rest of the world will take notice." Only if might makes right, Dickie!
No wonder so many people think Dickie is an antisemite.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Is Dickie Silverstein really Jewish?
Here is a good reason to speculate:
Why do non-Jews bashing Israel claim to be Jewish?
Defending his participation in the latest flotilla operation in an attempt to break Israel’s naval blockade of Hamas-controlled Gaza, Gabriel Matthew Schivone, an American university student, stressed in a late June Ha’aretz opinion piece that he is one of a growing number of young American Jews seeking to disassociate himself from Israel.
There is, however, a rather large factual wrinkle with Schivone’s account – he appears to have falsified his Jewish identity.
Writing in an August letter to the editor in Ha’aretz,Valerie Saturen, a pro-Palestinian activist and acquaintance of Schivone, noted, “In his editorial about joining the flotilla to Gaza, Gabriel Schivone represented himself as a Jewish college student. I feel I must point out that this is not his true identity, but one he has created in order to generate insider credibility, shield himself from accusations of anti-Semitism, and resonate with a target audience.
“Gabriel is not Jewish, whether in terms of ethnic ancestry, religious belief or cultural identity. He has never identified as a Jew until it became useful in advancing his political agenda. When asked why he did this, he explained that he has a distant Jewish relative and that ‘you use what you have.’” Schivone’s reported hoax was first analyzed on the website of CAMERA, a US-based media watchdog organization that tracks anti-Israel bias in the press. In his CAMERA article, Yishai Goldflam wrote, “Schivone emphasizes his Jewish identity no less than eight times, and repeatedly emphasizes the influence of his identity on his anti-Israel activity.
“As Saturen suggests in her letter, international anti-Israel activists place a premium on the participation of Jews in their activities. In this case, the flotilla organizers seemingly scored big – a Jewish participant, and writing in an Israeli media outlet, to boot. Claims of anti-Israelism and anti-Semitism are thus defused.”
Responding to Saturen’s letter, Schivone wrote to The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday, “Not only is it sorely inaccurate and frankly abusive in its attempts to deny someone their identity and humanity, it is a distraction from the main purpose of the public discussion initiated in the first place, namely to highlight – in order to resist – the brutalization of Palestinians and the ongoing destruction of Palestinian life under occupation by Israel, fully enabled by the United States.”
Schivone defines himself as a “Chicano Jew.” When asked specifically if he converted to Judaism or if his parents or grandparents are Jewish, Schivone told the Post “I mean that I foremost am a person of color -- a ‘Chicano’ simply means someone of Mexican heritage and ancestry, with cultural ties to Mexico and to the preceding indigenous lands, and with national ties to the United States... I am a first generation immigrant youth in the US.
“At the same time I also retain Jewish heritage and ancestry, from parts of my family who are from Mexico.
My Jewishness is publicly relevant only on narrow issues [such as Israel’s claim that it is his state, which he regards as both a false and racist doctrine]; far more importantly my Jewishness is irrelevant on broader issues, such as when it comes to US support and participation in Israeli crimes against the Palestinians.”
Schivone is listed as a member of the Arizona branch of “Jewish Voice for Peace” on the campus of University of Arizona in Tucson.
Schivone’s alleged use of a fake Jewish identity recalls the German case of Edith Lutz last year. Lutz, a former school teacher, claimed to have converted to Judaism, and proceeded to use her invented Jewish credentials to garner enormous attention in the German media to publicize her voyage to violate Israel’s blockade of Gaza. Lutz was a passenger aboard the Irene catamaran in 2010 during last year’s flotilla.
Many German newspapers, including the widely viewed television program ARD-Magazin Monitor, which featured a broadcast in which Lutz was named as a representative of “Jews from Germany,” devoted extensive coverage to Lutz. The dogged reporting of German Journalist Henryk M. Broder exposed Lutz as a fraud, prompting Broder to comment, “Edith Lutz is definitely a Jew, like a smoked pork chop is kosher.”
The ARD declined to concede at the time that its method of journalistic verification was flawed, and the message of German Jews against Israel spread across television sets in Germany.
Prof. Alvin H. Rosenfeld, Director of the Institute for the Study of Contemporary anti-Semitism at Indiana University, told the Post on Tuesday that “Israel’s defamers and delegitimizers include large numbers of misguided Jews, manipulative Jews, malevolent Jews, and other Jews of assorted bad faith. With Schivone, we now see phony Jews added to this notoriously disreputable bunch.”
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Domestic Extremist Richard Silverstein
This describes the groups led and associated with the domestic extremists Richard Silverstein, Philip Weiss, and Adam horowitz. Additionally, these terms describe so many of the antisemites who comment on their blogs.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Can Dickie Silverstein sink any lower? Dickie ties Norwegian mass murderer to admiring Jews.
Dickie Siverstein intimates that Anders Breivik, The Norwegian Terror Suspect, acted as he did because he admires Israel and the Jewish politician, Avigdor Lieberman.
Dickie also names several other prominent Jews as being responsible for the actions of the Norwegian mass murderer.
However, in 2009, when writing about the American muslim army officer,Major Nidal Hassan, who murdered so many of his fellow soldiers, he did not blame any of the Jihadist literature or their writers. Instead he said:
“The nation’s worst peacetime military massacre
was perpetrated by a deeply troubled army psychiatrist and devout
Muslim. The motives for the crime are a jumble of the personal,
psychological, professional, religious and sectarian. As is rarely the
case in these circumstances, much is grey, and little is black and white
except the huge burden of suffering Maj. Nidal Hassan inflicted on the
victims and their families”
Is it any wonder that so many people believe Dickie is an antisemite?
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Richard Silverstein - Racist Par Excellence
Here is Dicky's headline:
IDF Recruits Congolese to Enforce Occupation, Do Israel’s Dirty Work
Here is Dicky's accusation
"FIrst, they clearly were allowed to immigrate to Israel as part of a PR campaign by which Israel hoped to score brownie points for absorbing Congolese refugees. " Dicky Silverstein.
What is all the hoopla about? Two African-Israeli boys, having arrived in Israel 17 years ago, have enlisted in the IDF. Here are the comments from Dicky's blog:
pea says:
May 27, 2011 at 3:40 AM
I think this is one instance where you allowed yourself to get a little carried away.
Dicky's reply: "the state is exploiting these boys to kill in return for the refuge the State has given them"
Tzuri says:
May 27, 2011 at 3:51 AM
It takes a particularly “gifted” mind to transform such a positive story to a story that negatively depicts Israel.
“Not to be outdone by Muammar Qaddafi’s mercenary African army, the IDF too recruits Africans to put the screws to West Bank Palestinians. ”
This is a laughable comparison which hints at racism. The twins are African refugees who likely fled their home due to persecution. They were not “imported” to Israel in order to serve as boy-soldiers, and no one forced them to join the army. I find their decision to join the IDF noble. On the other hand, your pre-judgement that the twins will become thugs who brutalize Palestinians is offensive and somewhat racist.
Dicky's reply: "FIrst, they clearly were allowed to immigrate to Israel as part of a PR campaign by which Israel hoped to score brownie points for absorbing Congolese refugees."
Tzuri says:
May 27, 2011 at 10:37 PM
First of all, LOL. No matter what Israel does, you will find a way to present its actions in the most negative light. In your mind, giving refuge to refugees is a “PR stunt” and enabling immigrants to integrate by serving in the army is “ruthless exploitation”. “clearly”? Really? This is starting to sound like a conspiracy. I had no idea Israel had a “PR campaign” of the sort. Do you have proof, indications that such a campaign existed? I say it’s a lie, a bold lie. Also, you suggested that Israel specifically imported African boys to serve as a mindless “mercenaries” in the IDF, at least that’s how I read it. That’s an absurd allegation, bordering on lunacy. It’s as though you are looking at Israel through a lens that warps reality. You are so intensely hateful of Israel that you can take such a small and insignificant story and spin it as “proof” that Israel has an African mercenary army. It’s absolutely nuts!
Dicky's reply: (Here Dicky goes nuts) I have a bright line rule around here. When anyone accuses me of lying they are immediately put on a 24 hour warning that demands that they prove their claim. If they don’t, they’re gone. NO ONE accuses me of lying, EVER. And if they do, they prove it or they’re gone. Your 24 hours are ticking.
Tzuri says:
May 27, 2011 at 11:50 PM
Richard, instead of huffing and puffing, why don’t you just give proof, or even reference, about this alleged “PR campaign” that Israel was engaged in? When you make an outrageous claim that defies common sense, it’s not up to me to disprove it. Rather, it is your responsibility to build a case for it.
Dicky's reply: (clearly Dicky can't be really Jewish, such inhospitality towards guests) You accused me of lying. That places the burden of proof on you. And I say it is up to you to disprove it. You’re my guest here & if you call me a liar, then you damn well better prove it or you won’t be here.
Tzuri says:
May 28, 2011 at 12:41 AM
You and I both know that what you wrote about Israel’s so-called “PR campaign” was a slip of a tongue.
If it soothes you, I retract my original claim that your claim is a “lie”. Rather, it is more of a generic “profanity” against Israel, showing your innate bias against the Jewish nation, rather than exposing an actual historical event.
Let us not continue playing this game about you being “pro-Israeli”. I have been following your blog for a while, and all of your posts try to portray Israel in an extremely negative light, regardless of whether they have to do with the occupation or not. You seem to feel that Israel and its people – that is – the Jews of Israel, are corrupt and evil.
Some of your guests here have no qualms about showing their aversion towards a nation of Jews. While I consider those people my enemy, I respect their honesty. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about you.
Dicky's reply and proof positive that when Dicky is caught in a lie, Dicky bans the poster:
That’s it. You’re done. I’m sick & tired of your lies & calumnies. You’ve been warned to read the comment rules, clearly haven’t, & persist in making mendacious statements about my views.
Fortunately, racists and bigots like Dicky Silverstein have no power here. Their lies and bias will always be exposed. Here are final words on Dicky:
Lawrence Rifkin says:
May 28, 2011 at 7:24 AM
Richard, as I wrote you in an e-mail, your site has become a tabloid. That’s sad because you have been known to dig up good and important stuff and say smart things about it. But I don’t see much of that anymore. Just about all you post is sensationalism. Come to think of it, you’re worse than a tabloid — you’ve stooped to the level of the National Enquirer, and you seem to attract admirers with the same tastes and IQ. What next? “Duchess Kate: I was raped by Mossad agents from Mars”? That’s about the size of it, Richard, and it’s too damn bad.
Lawrence Rifkin says:
May 28, 2011 at 10:21 PM
Yes, Richard, you are quite the carricature.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Dicky Silverstein accidentally admits to being a libelous sack of shit
From Neuwirth v. Silverstein:
With the exception of this statutory immunity available to Silverstein on the second cause of action, however, not only Neuwirths evidence but also Silversteins and Beinins own evidence undermines both respondents claims that Neuwirth cannot establish malice either to the extent Neuwirth is a limited public figure such that malice must be proven or as required for the conditional privilege of Civil Code section 47, subdivision (c), to apply. The record contains considerable evidence to support a finding of malice with respect to Silversteins statement that Neuwirth is Kahanist swine. Indeed, even if he cannot be held liable for his repetition of Beinins death threat accusation, it undermines his contention that the statement was merely nonactionable opinion rather than an assertion of fact. Similarly, Beinin does not dispute that in his 2004 deposition he specifically testified that he did not believe Neuwirth had threatened his life. Crediting Neuwirths evidence for purposes of these special motions to strike, it was error to conclude that she could not prevail on her claims as a matter of law.
Dicky Silverstein removes link "The Committee To Protect Bloggers"
It appears that Dicky is upset that, unlike him, ""The Committee To Protect Bloggers" does not practice censorship when a comment might fall outside their point of view.
Dicky has been accused of, you got it, lying about another person to the point that it is libel. A libel case filed by Rachel Neuwirth goes to trial and Dicky appears to be very worried.
The Committee To Protect Bloggers voiced their support in that no matter how vile Dicky is personally, and no matter how he acts towards others on his blog, his right to spew nonsense should be protected. Dicky was so grateful for this support that he had a huge link on his blog. However, to his dismay, the criticism was so great that he removed the link.
Here is a sample of what drove Dicky to another act of cowardice:
March 29, 2011 at 8:01 am
Dickie Silverstein has repeated tried to protect himself from his victims using anti-SLAPP laws. But he was the first peson in the Jewish cybersphere to endorse the fascist SLAPP suit filed by anti-Semite Neve Gordon in Israel against another professor that Silverstein regularly smears. So does he favor SLAPP suits or oppose them?
walt kovacs
May 5, 2011 at 1:22 am
hey alice….dickie didnt get one thing right in the sisi case
so what public service is he performing?
gag orders are not meant to be permanent…so all dickie does is leak the info prematurely…and is usually wrong, as he does a lot of assuming
he doesnt do anything positive for israel…as nothing would please him more to see the destruction of that country, and the murder of all her people
would you like to explain to me how on one hand, he can say he stands for women’s rights…then goes out of his way to smear a female border police officer…who is already under indictment?
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Once again, Richard Silverstein proven to be an idiot
Chris Berel says:
May 13, 2011 at 8:57 PM
To my understanding, Israel will not sign a treaty giving the Palestinians an opportunity to return to Israel, nor to allow any Palestinian control over any Jewish holy site, which would include the vast majority of Jerusalem.
When the Palestinians last controlled Jerusalem (1948-1967) they denied access to the Jews. You don’t get a second chance to screw Israelis.
Richard Silverstein says:
May 14, 2011 at 12:18 AM
To my understanding
Now that was yr first mistake: admitting a subject was limited to yr understanding of it. Since your understanding is minimal what is there left to talk about?
You don’t get a second chance to screw Israelis.
I’m sorely tempted not to give you a 2nd chance to mouth yr ianities & stupidities. But keep spewing & I’ll get sick enough of you that I’ll pull the chain.
Netanyahu shoves it up Dicky's butt:
In a speech before the Knesset’s plenum in its special Herzl Day session, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu laid down five conditions for a peace treaty with the Palestinian Authority Arabs. These are: The Palestinians must recognize Israel as the Jewish nation’s state. The treaty must be an end to the conflict. The Arab refugee problem must be solved outside of Israel’s borders. A Palestinian state will have to be demilitarized and a peace treaty must safeguard Israel’s security. The settlement blocs will remain within the state of Israel and Jerusalem will remain its united capital.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
My comments are in red.
Richard Silverstein says:
May 15, 2011 at 11:54 AM
Who gives a flying fig what you do & why you do it?! Start your own blog & blog away about Israeli arms dealers for all I care. As for me, I blog about the subject I’ve chosen which isn’t U.S. arms dealers. You forget that there are hundreds, perhaps thousands of times more bloggers & journalists writing such stories here, so it’s less imperative for me to do so & even redundant. So pls. stop raising issues which you feel represent my hypocrisy Upset when your exposed, Dicky? when you & other hasbarists Hasbarist? It sems that you claim anyone who prints the truth on your blog is a hasbarist. are the only ones who feel this way. It’s really a snooze for the rest of us & persuades no one & in fact is counter productive for whatever arguments you wish to advance.
Think: search engine. The algorithms will bring up their names every
An antisemite put this list up recently on the MondoWeiss extremist blog. It’s the definition of an extremist by Laird Wilcox who has been tracking extremist groups, domestic and otherwise, for over 40 years. His collection is now housed at the University of Kansas and is named after him. He created this list after studying several hundred extremist groups, large and small. Here are his 21 characteristics, which he explains in greater detail on his minimal site.time someone searches for domestic terrorists, domestic extremists, or
left-wing extremists or terrorists.
1. Character assassination.
2. Name-calling and labeling.
3. Irresponsible sweeping generalizations.
4. Inadequate proof for assertions.
5. Advocacy of double standards.
6. Tendency to view their opponents and critics as essentially evil.
7. Manichaean worldview.
8. Advocacy of some degree of censorship or repression of their opponents and/or critics.
9. Tend to identify themselves in terms of who their enemies are: whom they hate and who hates them.
10. Tendency toward argument by intimidation.
11. Use of slogans, buzzwords, and thought-stopping cliches.
12. Assumption of moral or other superiority over others.
13. Doomsday thinking.
14. Belief that it’s okay to do bad things in the service of a “good” cause.
15. Emphasis on emotional responses and, correspondingly, less importance attached to reasoning and logical analysis.
16. Hypersensitivity and vigilance.
17. Use of supernatural rationale for beliefs and actions.
18. Problems tolerating ambiguity and uncertainty.
19. Inclination toward “groupthink.”
20. Tendency to personalize hostility.
21. Extremists often feel that the system is no good unless they win.